What are the applicable areas of RFID system technology? Detailed explanation

In recent times in India, the use of RFID reader system is introduced in different fields. At first, this system (RFID radar, antenna, and server) was mainly used in defensive purposes. But, now this technology is used both in government and commercial sectors. But, what is the usefulness of RFID in different commercial sectors? 

Inventory control

An application in supermarkets and stores would be to control inventory. With RFID tags present in all products, through radio waves it would be possible to have a complete and accurate report of everything that is in stock, avoiding errors and dispensing with the need to make monthly and manual balances long.

Barcode Replacement

Imagine that in order to pay for your purchases you just need to pass with the cart full by a receiver at the supermarket exit? Yes, with RFID the purchases would look something like this, because an antenna would be able to identify everything that you are taking and would generate an invoice from that. In some cases, both the RFID tag and the bar code may be present on the products. This is what we call an active reader antenna. You can contact the RFID active reader Manufacturers in India to get the system placed at your facility.

Cargo Tracking

To ensure more safety and prevent theft of cargo, RFID reader antenna suppliers India introduces RFID system in affordable cost and best product quality. Transport and logistics companies have already implemented the RFID system to track their cargo. This is a security measure, since the tracking is intended to restrain the action of thieves no matter where you go, the load will have its location located in real time

Tracking of animals

With the increasing threat of extinction of many species of animals worldwide, the RFID system is very useful for this type of control, since labels inserted into animals raised in captivity and loose in the forest can give their exact position. This greatly facilitates the work of biologists when it comes to verifying how the animal adapted to its "new" habitat. In addition, chips inserted in domestic animals can end the large number of abandoned animals in large cities. This way you have control over who owns the animal, facilitating the application of legal measures to curb this type of act.

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